1 Week Cross-Fit Training That You Can Do at Home

It’s understandable that we can’t go to gym every day, there are just those days that even if we wanted to train we cannot due to our work schedule or maybe unexpected scenarios that requires us to stay at home. However, there’s no excuse to skip a work out… “If there’s a will there’s a way”, that’s what I always believe. You don’t always have to be inside a gym to train because you can also train at the comfort of your home. There are several ways on how you can do it and here are the following cross fit workouts routine that you can follow.


Day one workout

Just do 6 sessions for exercises listed below

10 Pushups for arms
15 V-Ups to strengthen the core
20 Jumping Air Squat for endurance

Day one workout is just to prepare your body for the next training sessions. Do some warm ups before performing the training tasks.

Day two workout

16min AMRAP (Do as many as you can within the 16 minute limit)
10 Pull-Ups
20 Sit-ups
10 Burpees
20 Lunges



This will be a total grind so make sure to do proper warm up first, strengthen your mentality to complete the challenge.

Day three workout

20 Minute of rigorous training – Complete each set within a minute and go to the next step immediately
Within 1 minute complete 15 Pushups
Followed by 15 Situps in a minute
Followed by 10 Pullups
Next will be 20 Lunges

This will be hard but you will surely enjoy the results of your training.

Day four workout

Do 10 rounds for each training workout
20 Situps
20 Lunges
20 Mt. Climber
20 Air squat

Of course legs needs to be trained as well, you don’t want to look like Johnny Bravo!

Day five workout

Let’s do the classic “The Murph” training by doing the exercises below. Break down the session whatever you see fit but make sure to complete them.

1-Mile Run
200 Pushups
300 Air squat
100 Pullups

You’re doing great! Just follow through and expect great results for your hardwork!

Day six workout

10 Air squat
7min AMRAP
10 V-ups
10 Burpee

3 Min rest

7min AMRAP
10 Mt. Climber
10 Lunges
10 Push ups

Day seven workout

16min AMRAP
8 Pushup
8 Burpee
16 Pull ups
16 Hanging Knee Tucks or sit-ups

This workout will put your upper body to the limit! If you can do more the better!

This is a one week cross-fit training session that you can repeat and follow through. Once you feel like you need more challenge you can increase the repetition based on your capabilities. Stay true to your training and it will reward you with a body worth boasting!